Saturday, May 30, 2020

Follow your passion. Or NOT. Laurie Ruettimann

Follow your passion. Or… NOT. Laurie Ruettimann Laurie Ruettimann is The Cynical Girl (I thought she was the cynical HR girl).  She always tells it like it is, without any sugar coating.  Read this post: Passion doesn’t always mean profession. I agree that you should, to some degree, want to like what you do for a living, but the idea of simply following your passion and making a living off of that I think its a bit too Pollyanna for most people. Thoughts? Follow your passion. Or… NOT. Laurie Ruettimann Laurie Ruettimann is The Cynical Girl (I thought she was the cynical HR girl).  She always tells it like it is, without any sugar coating.  Read this post: Passion doesn’t always mean profession. I agree that you should, to some degree, want to like what you do for a living, but the idea of simply following your passion and making a living off of that I think its a bit too Pollyanna for most people. Thoughts? Follow your passion. Or… NOT. Laurie Ruettimann Laurie Ruettimann is The Cynical Girl (I thought she was the cynical HR girl).  She always tells it like it is, without any sugar coating.  Read this post: Passion doesn’t always mean profession. I agree that you should, to some degree, want to like what you do for a living, but the idea of simply following your passion and making a living off of that I think its a bit too Pollyanna for most people. Thoughts?

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